Set up lost item transition to missing or withdrawn

Libraries in a consortium will need to consider whether to implement the automatic transition of Lost items because the items will be assigned the new status without regard to Lost item recovery settings for the Governing library.

To enable lost item transition processing:

  1. In Polaris Administration, select the library organization (system, library, or branch), Parameters, Patron Services. To see the patron services parameters list, click the appropriate level- System, Library, Branch.
  2. Select Lost item transition in the list of parameters.

The Lost item transition dialog box opens. The Do not change status option is selected by default.

  1. Select Missing or Withdrawn.
  1. Specify the time period after which Lost items will be updated to either Missing or Withdrawn by selecting a number and Months or Years.

The transition period set by the Assigned Branch should be longer than any of the lost-and-paid recovery periods set within the library system. This reduces the likelihood of an item being recovered after it has received a Withdrawn status.

  1. If you want to charge accruing overdues to the patron’s account, select Charge accruing overdues.
  1. Select OK.

Lost item transition processing

When an item transitions from Lost, the following updates are made to the item record: